Uh-oh, it's . . .
The Boston Market Story
Japanese foot cult guru arrested
This story is embargoed until Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stops laughing after he says "The Yokohama's on you."
©2002 The Tokyosaki Times of Northern Hokkaido County
TOKYOSAKI, NJ -- Japanese police on Tuesday arrested a cult leader suspected of swindling followers who were told he could heal them by examining their feet, a police official said.
Bill "Hogen" Fukunaga, the charismatic, silver-haired founder of the Ho-no-kus Hana Banana Sampogyo Numismarorogyi cult, was arrested on fraud charges, said Shinosuke "Ken" Miyanaga, a duty officer at the Tokyosaki Police Department.
Fukunaga, along with several other cult members, was arrested at a rotisserie sushi bar in Tokyosaki's Shibuyahuya ward as dozens of reporters and TV camera crews jostled to get near as police led him into a car.
Tuesday's arrest comes 11 days after a Japanese court ruled for the first time that Ho-no-Kus Numismarorogyi had defrauded a number of hungry Japanese copy editors, who were warned that they would lose their headline writing powers unless they had the soles of their feet inspected by Fukunaga.
AP-ES-04-19-56 1346 EST